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Twin Falls West Stake

of The Church of
of Latter-day Saints

Divine Identity

If I were to rank in order of importance the designations that could be applied to me, I would say: First, I am a child of God—a son of God—then a son of the covenant, then a disciple of Jesus Christ and a devoted member of His restored Church. Next would come my honored titles as a husband and father, then Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
-- Russell M Nelson

Our Vision


As children of God, children of the covenant, and disciples of Jesus Christ, we seek to glorify our Heavenly Parents by joyfully learning about and following our Savior, ministering in His name, and helping to Gather Israel on both sides of the veil. We strive to bind ourselves to Jesus Christ and access His enabling power by receiving and keeping the covenants necessary to inherit exaltation and Eternal Life with Him and our families.


We invite individuals and families of the Twin Falls West Stake to seek personal revelation in order to:


  • Learn about God’s covenant path;

  • Prepare for, receive, and keep sacred covenants; and

  • Understand how Jesus Christ’s Atonement and the covenants we make with Him bind us to Him and provide us access to His strengthening and enabling power.




The Book of Mormon

Another Testament of Jesus Christ

General Conference

Preach My Gospel

A Guide to Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ


For the Strength of Youth

A Guide for Making Choices


"The Everlasting Covenant"

President Russell M. Nelson


Preparing Your Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path 


This website is not an official, sponsored nor endorsed product of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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